Photography tells a visual story through a camera lens and has not only kept me sane at my lowest and darkest, it’s also given me some of the most enjoyable and satisfying moments of my life…

Its Personal

For many, photography is an incredibly powerful outlet that can be ‘tapped’ into for a whole host of reasons, ranging from relaxation, self satisfaction, knowledge, experience and even confidence, to name just a few. All of the aforementioned have one thing in common; they’re all ‘personal’ to the individual hiding behind the shutter.


For me, using photography was another imaginative avenue that originated from my youth and love for creating ‘things’, whatever those things happened to be. I would often spend hours under the narrative guidance of a guy called Robert Harbin who [if you didn’t already know] was a magician and author, but also an authority on the art of folding paper, we now call Origami. Countless hours of fun and failure which I now look back and reflect on with great fondness.

Everyone Can Take A Picture

Whether we like it not, most people nowadays seem to have a smartphone constantly attached to their hand, so that ‘quick shot’ or selfie should, in theory, never be missed. Now, before any photography snobs scream from the rafters, ‘they’re not photographers though!’, let’s be more open minded. I’ve seen many a cracking shot taken from an iPhone or Android, and while they may lack the ‘zoom in sharpness’, they do a have other qualities, including being more social media friendly, edit free and importantly instant.

iPhone Photography
Shot on an iPhone

I Want More

You want more out of photography? Then, look at some of the following ideas that might just stimulate those creative juices flowing:

Do it with a KISS – Keep It Simple:
Use something that suits you and not someone else’s opinion. I personally still shoot with a DSLR and love the ergonomics of them, but that’s my choice. Others may opt for a mirrorless set up which is less bulky. Whatever you choose, it’s yours to shoot with and have it with you!

Miners Lamp Artwork

Always have a main subject or ‘hero’:
Never take photographs that don’t have a main subject or something that lures the eyes towards. This could be tree, a particular item or even a building that stands out. If you love architect, then go for it!

Herd Groyne - Main Subject

Leading lines make the viewer smile:
Leading lines are a fantastic way to ‘lure’ the viewer into your shot. They bring balance and symmetry to an otherwise lack lustre image.

Leading lines - photography
Leading lines draw the eyes in

Less can often be more:
What does that mean? Well, have you ever heard of the old saying, ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’? Too many subjects, colour and clutter will immediately distract your audience. Use what you have wisely and frame it accordingly.

Last but not least, have fun!